Trading currencies

Types of currency float

There are two forms of currency float Pure flotation:  or as it is called free flotation, which is complete freedom to chan…

What is currency float

The floating exchange rate, or as it is called, the floating of the currency is the abandonment of the exchange rate …

What moves the price of bitcoin?

Bitcoin operates without a central bank to regulate and influence the valuation of the currency , but Bitcoin operates on a …

Can we have one world currency

The idea of ​​adopting a global currency has been around for a long time, but its implementation on the ground is still a l…

The origin of the currency market

The origins of the forex market go back to long periods of time and can be traced back to the Middle Ages which saw…

Where does forex money go?

At the end of each trade, the forex trader sees an update of his account balance, either increasing or decreasing. Al…

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